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The first Reserved Matters Applications (RMAs) have been submitted to Buckinghamshire Council and are now live on the Council’s planning portal to view and comment – click here for more information, including the application reference numbers and link to the planning portal.
Little Chalfont Park will be a new neighbourhood of up to 380 homes (incuding 40% affordable), an additional 100 retirement homes , a 60 room care home, a mixed-use local centre, land safeguarded for educational use and over 50% of the site is retained as open landscape including play and wild areas which encourage life outdoors amongst the landscape. The development will enhance and protect the existing woodland and parkland, and create a Valley Park offering a playful and active heart of the neighbourhood.
Little Chalfont Park will be a place to get together, investing in healthy living and building a strong community. There will be attractive connections by foot and cycle to the nearby Little Chalfont village centre and railway station. The aim is to create an exemplar community, knitting into its landscape, supporting wildlife and promoting sustainable living at the edge of the Chilterns.
As well as providing a mix of much needed new homes, 40% of which will be affordable housing, Little Chalfont Park will bring a range of local amenities for both existing and new residents.